Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good times!!

So our new thing is going to the library story times. I decided that today we would go and check it out. I have been a little nervous about this because I know that it is really hard for Elly to sit still for any amount of time over 2 minutes. But, I figure in order to help this problem I should be taking her out with the people and making her pay attention...

We get to the library and I was surprised at the amount of people waiting for the doors to be open...who knew? We get inside and Elly just loves it. They have toys, books, and all kinds of things to keep a busy girl occupied. Then it is time to go sit in the story area. She does really well and sits in my lap. The story teller begins with a song and dance and asks for all of the kids cooperation. Thank goodness I am a parent and just had to sit on the floor! Anyway, Elly sat still through the first book and thought it was great. As we progressed through interactive and reading time, I could tell that she was loosing her focus. Before I knew it, my child was jumping like a frog around the other kids there. All I could do was laugh because right in that moment I could just see John doing the same thing.... When the stories were over, she took off running in the library out of the kids section.... I was trying to catch her without being too loud or disruptive...when I did catch her we got a couple of books and left. Good times, good times!!

We will go back and continue to work on Elly's ability to stay focused. It was really good and she did enjoy it a lot. I don't have pictures because I was too busy laughing at her and trying to keep up... I will try to get one next time!


Bonky's Mom said...

HOORAY for your blog! Looking forward to keeping up with yall!

Chris and Carolee said...

She is a little John. He would hop like a frog now if you were not watch him. We miss you guys.